Reforestation with commercial species, promoting the recovery and improvement of the remaining natural forests. The project's actions are focused on protecting ecosystems and areas of special ecological interest that for years had been dedicated to extensive grazing, continuous cutting and burning of pastures and savannah areas. The areas within the project boundaries correspond to 1,186.33 ha of P. caribaea, 113.85 ha of E. pellita, 1.69 ha of A. mangium and 7.84 ha of S. amara, the latter species is planted for restoration purposes. For the passive regeneration zones, everything is focused on ceasing actions that inhibit the growth of the native forest, i.e. removing grazing and eliminating the cutting and burning of pastures, allowing the successional process of the forest to continue. Similarly, water sources are protected, allowing the gallery forest to increase its area, forming connectivity corridors.
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